What Is A Direct Cremation, And Can The Family Attend?

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About This Episode

Have you heard of a Direct Cremation, or an Unattended Funeral? This episode discusses what these services really are, and the emotional impact they can have on families. There is a growing number of families that feel they haven't properly said goodbye to their loved one. You only have one chance to say goodbye and giving your loved one a befitting send off, no matter how simple or unique, has a real impact on readjusting to a new normal without your loved one being a physical presence in your life. Listen or watch now to learn more, enabling you to make a more informed decision.
A photo of Lifting The Lid Host, Andrew Eeley
Andrew Eeley Podcast Host
A photo of Lifting The Lid , Joe Clarke-Ferridge
Joe Clarke-Ferridge Podcast Co-Host

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