A photo of Paul Moffett

Paul Moffett

Calligraphic 'swirl' motif

Funeral service to take place at Loughborough Crematorium on Wednesday 29th March 2023 at 12:30pm.

Family flowers only please. Donations may be sent payable to 'Donations Fund' in which all monies will be divided between Lymphoma Action and Ward 41 at the Leicester Royal Infirmary c/o G.Seller 'Independent Funeral Directors' 75 Upper Bond Street, Hinckley, LE10 1RH. Tel: 01455 637457.

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Funeral Service

Wednesday 29th March 2023

Loughbororugh Crematorium

Messages Of Condolence

Dear Paul's family,
I was one of the first girls to be allowed to join CCF from Loughborough High School and had the honour of being taught and guided by Moff. He always backed our corner, was so enthusiastic about us getting involved and personally made the time to sit and chat with me when I needed guidance. It was a privilege to get to know him, I remember always looking forward to spending those cadet afternoons and residential trips with him. His words of encouragement have stayed with me since leaving school all those years ago. I greatly admired him and want to pass on my deepest condolences.
Siobhan Bahl
Animated graphic of a flickering church candle
Thinking of Paul's family and friends at this time. It was a privilege to have met him.
Paul Player
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