Our Annual Service of Reflection 2022

Our Annual Service of Reflection 2022 banner background photograph

Following 2 years of online services we are pleased to confirm that this years’ Service of Reflection will take place in person at St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Leicester Road, Hinckley, LE10 1LW on Friday 25th November.

The doors will be open from 6:30pm for a 7:00pm service and provides an opportunity to remember your loved ones. We would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone wishing to attend, however the service will also be streamed live on our website (www.gseller.co.uk/reflection) for anyone more comfortable to reflect from the comfort of their own home.

If your loved one passed away before 31st October 2021, please do let us know whether you’d like your loved one’s name to be read out, they are never forgotten and you are always warmly welcome to attend.

The G. Seller family wish to thank Father Frank Daly for opening the doors of his Church and welcoming us back after 2 years. We would like to extend these sentiments to those contributing to our service, including: the Reverend Dawn Matthew from St. John’s Church, Funeral Celebrant Tara DeMarco, organist Mark Bennet and local singers Debbie Lacey and Jessica Clarke-Wheatley who will be providing some poignant music for reflection.

We invite all of those attending to write a memory tag, which will be hung in our Christmas window display. These tags will be available on the night or in advance from our funeral homes on Upper Bond Street, Hinckley or Main Street, Newbold Verdon. If you are unable to attend the service, please do feel free to collect a tag from our office or call us on 01455 637457 and we will send a memory tag to you in the post.

There will also be an opportunity to light a candle in memory of your loved one on our website. You will find this on www.gseller.co.uk/reflection.

Following the service we will be serving refreshments in the Mary Forryan Centre and raising money for Lawrence House, a local independent charity providing accommodation for homeless people aged between 16-25 years.

We look forward to welcoming you back to the Service of Reflection.

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