The annual Leicester Mercury Business Awards are entering the closing stages for 2017 and we are delighted to announce that we have made it into the final three for the Contribution to the Community Award this year. These awards aim to celebrate success, recognise achievement and highlight the innovative people and companies throughout Leicestershire who are putting their region on the map by boosting the economy while making a positive contribution to the local community.
As Joseph Barsby, Director at G. Seller & Co. Ltd explains: “To have made the final three in the Contribution to the Community Award is a fantastic achievement for a firm like ours and is great recognition for the endeavours of everyone within our organisation. As a fourth generation family firm that has been operating for over 100 years, we pride ourselves on supporting the communities in which we live and work and the whole team continue to make a difference to lives throughout the region."
"From supporting the Christmas Lights in Hinckley and providing transport for those not able to make the journey themselves, to raising funds and supporting the Dorothy Goodman School Academy, acting as collection points for the local Food Banks, supporting the Newbold Verdon Library, the numerous charity bakes and coffee mornings we hold throughout the year, not to mention the support of team members on their own charitable endeavours, we really do take our involvement with the local community seriously, and as a firm with strong family and community values at our core, it is very much part of our ethos to celebrate our communities and to give back wherever we can too," adds Joseph.
"We are delighted to be a finalist in the 'Contribution to the Community Award' at this year’s Leicester Mercury Business Awards and fingers crossed for a successful outcome on April 27 too. It is fantastic recognition for everyone involved with G. Seller & Co. and we are tremendously proud to be in the final."
The awards final, which is set to take place on 27th April 2017 at Leicester Arena, will be attended by hundreds of Leicestershire’s business elite and will undoubtedly be a celebration of the county’s best companies and a reminder that Leicestershire is a great place to do business.